The Impact a Positive Attitude Can Make

Matt brought a fresh perspective and upbeat attitude that was much needed to our group. His program covered the importance of good communication and the value of a good attitude.

Good communication is simply understanding. So many of us have forgotten the basics of good communication. After refreshing our memories about the basics, Matt explained the three different types of learning styles. It’s important to understand your own preferred learning style, but Matt took it a step further and showed us that it’s just as important to understand the preferred learning style of the person you are communicating with. Once we understand these learning styles, we can truly communicate with people much more effectively.

Attitude is an important component of communication. During the presentation, we took an Attitude Inventory. This really increased our awareness not only of our own attitudes, but also the attitudes of the people that surround us. The people that surround us influence our behavior and attitudes—so if we know who the positive people are—we know which people we should associate with more. It also opened up our eyes to appreciate the positive people in our lives. Additionally, Matt gave us a list of ways to improve our own attitudes and three actions steps to increase communication and attitude. We may not be able to control events around us, but we can control how we respond.

Matt’s program really gave us ways that we can better ourselves and be more effective communicators.

Nicky Williams, USDA NRCS

Matt Booth holding hands up at a speaking event