Find the right Matt Booth program to inspire and empower your organization
There's no question that having a great attitude, being able to communicate effectively, taking care of ourselves, and having a plan are all essential ingredients for a great life. But what if I told you that basic doesn't mean easy?
It's definitely worthwhile though! And when these things are done consistently, they lead to incredible outcomes. Are you ready to live a basically incredible life?
In these tough times, it's more important than ever to have a positive attitude. But sometimes it's not easy to stay upbeat, especially when things are going wrong. That's where this session comes in.
In today's workshop, we'll be discussing the importance of a positive attitude and how to maintain one even in difficult times. We'll look at some of the benefits of having a good attitude and share some strategies for improving the attitude within your organization.
What’s The Value of Your Attitude?
There is an old saying that “attitude is everything”.
Is that true? I think Attitude is the START of everything! Attitude determines your thoughts and, ultimately, your actions. In this program, you will find that being positive as often as possible helps you be more successful at what you do. You’ll leave this program with practical takeaways and the motivation to implement them. text goes here
In a world characterized by clutter, confusion, information overload, and misinformation, the ability to communicate information clearly and succinctly is vital. This presentation highlights critical mistakes in communication and how to avoid them. Attendees will be given specific tools and techniques to help them better connect with others both virtually and in person.
Too often, we act like we have a remote for life. Sit on the sofa, watch, complain, click. Sit, watch, complain, click. Sit, watch, complain, click… and wish…wish for better health, a better spouse, better product, a better job, better house, a better life. You are the only one who can make those changes.
There are no shortcuts. There is only effort, failure, and repetition. Your life will only change when you get up off your butt and start changing it.
How many goal seminars, books, webinars, and other crap have you sat through, read through, stared at, and listened to, only to find that you can’t sustain any of it?
Ask anyone today where they’re going and how they plan to get there, and chances are they don’t know. Today, we live in a microwave, throw-away, live-for-the-moment society.
Take control of your personal and professional life—attitude, relationships, time management, health and fitness, communication, and finances—you determine where you’re going. My name is Matt Booth, and I’m very happy to help.
Matt’s most popular programs are customized for your audience.
Ready for your employees to move from unenthused to engaged and hopeful?
My proven strategies help improve the attitude within your organization by understanding the importance of basic fundamentals for success.
My goals when I speak or coach are to:
Give people hope.
Help them figure out their challenges - what is holding them back.
Motivate/inspire people to take action to change and work on what is holding them back.
Virtual presentations are a great addition for organizations that need the flexibility to meet in person, virtually or both.
I provide virtual keynote presentations and training from 15 minutes up to 2 hours or more. Simply contact me for availability.